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Legg Family Relatives and Cousins


Standing from left to right:

Leoma L. Cavendish, Francis Humbert Legg, Iva Frances Legg,

Lowell Jackson Legg, Orbin McKinley Cavendish, James Clarence Legg,

Ethel Mason in front of Clarence, Keith Copeland, Arla Icy Legg,

Olaf Filmore Legg, Arvin Perry Legg, Benjamin Ray Legg standing in

front of Arvin, Artie Leland Legg standing in front of Orbin and

Raleigh Eugene Legg standing in front of Arla


Sitting: Ira Wesley Legg, Livina Mae “Vina”Cavendish,

Maisie Arminta Legg, Leora Blanch Cavendish and Omer Mason


The picture was taken under the apple tree that stood below the house of

Ira Wesley Legg on Panther Mountain in Nicholas County, West Virginia

c.a. 1915

This website created by William Martin
Morgantown, WV
Copyright 1995-2000 by William Martin, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED